1. Which 3 words best describe you?
2. If you had to use two of these icons to design a brand that reflected the best aspects of your personality which one/s would you choose?
3. Which 2 of the following activities are you most comfortable with?
4. Choose 2 of the following feelings that drives you to take action?
5. Choose 2 of the following that give you clarity of purpose.
6. Which 2 of the following makes you happy?
7. Which 2 of the following inspires your creativity?
8. What stirs your compassionate side?
9. Now let’s look at your focus for growth – what do you want to see changed most?
10. Do you agree that you are primarily looking for a different experience of education?
11. Do you agree that your primary goal is the dynamics between work and home – this can include work-life satisfaction (or lack of), family-relationships, or a mix of both
12. So you’re a leader – and your primary focus is on work/business and how you can improve it?
13. You recognise that you need to get your inside world right first. Life has challenges but you know that mindset and personal growth is the key to overcoming?
14. OK, so would you say you are more focussed on:
15. OK, so would you say you are more focussed on:
16. OK, so would you say you are more focussed on:
17. OK, so would you say you are more focussed on:
18. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your readiness to work with a lifestyle coach to reach your goals and improve your quality of living?
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